1960s1964AmericanB+Wblackblack and whitebluesBlues and Gospel Caravanblues musicblues musiciansfamousglassesgospelguitarmusicmusicianson stageReverend Gary DavissingerSwinging SixtiestourUK Reverend Gary Davis American blues and gospel singer and guitarist The Reverend Gary Davis stands at the microphone on stage and plays guitar, in close up, during the 1964 Blues and Gospel Caravan tour of the UK Gallery: Music Keywords 1960s1964AmericanB+Wblackblack and whitebluesBlues and Gospel Caravanblues musicblues musiciansfamousglassesgospelguitarmusicmusicianson stageReverend Gary DavissingerSwinging SixtiestourUK